The UK and the British Isles

The United Kingdom (UK) 

The United Kingdom, also known as the UK, is not one single country.

There are four parts in the United Kingdom.

Which are they? Look at the picture and find out. 

Each part of the UK has a capital city. Do you know their names? Check the presentation and find out:  
Did you know that each part of the UK has a national flower? Read the text from your digital schoolbook and find out what the national flower of each part is- Click here

Leave a comment answering the following questions:

  1. What are the four parts of the UK?
  2. What is the capital city of each part of the UK?
  3. What is the national flower of each part of the British Isles?
  4. What is the name of the flag of the UK?



Credits: E-me content created by Stavroula Petousaki 

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