Category: interactive video


Ήρθαν τα Χριστούγεννα με κέφι και χαρά! Ας το διασκεδάσουμε με ένα τραγουδάκι.  Δείτε το βίντεο και απαντήστε στις ερωτήσεις. 

Colours – Pete the Cat – B class

I love colours! You love colours! Pete loves colours! We love colours!  Pete the Cat – I love my white shoes Watch the video again and answer the questions (Ξαναδές το βίντεο και απάντα) What colour are Pete’s …

Old and Modern Creatures – Unit 3 Lesson 1

Since the day we are born, we are told stories, fairytales and myths. Our childhood is full of imaginary creatures like the ones in the following game. Can you match the creatures to their names?  What do you …