Για να εμβαθύνετε κι άλλο στο θέμα της παιχνιδοκεντρικής μάθησης, σας προτείνουμε τις ακόλουθες πηγές:

– Hartt, M., Hosseini, H., & Mostafapour, M. (2020). Game On: Exploring the Effectiveness of Game-based Learning. Planning Practice & Research, 1–16.


– Krath, J., Schürmann, L., & Von Korflesch, H. F. (2021). Revealing the theoretical basis of gamification: A systematic review and analysis of theory in research on gamification, serious games and game-based learning. Computers in Human Behavior125, 106963


-Liu, Z.Y., Shaikh, Z. & Gazizova, F. (2020). Retracted Article: Using the Concept of Game-Based Learning in Education. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 15(14), 53-64. Kassel, Germany: International Journal of Emerging Technology in Learning


– Qian, M., & Clark, K. R. (2016). Game-based Learning and 21st century skills: A review of recent research. Computers in Human Behavior, 63, 50–58.


– Theofylaktos Anastasiadis, Georgios Lampropoulos, & Kerstin Siakas. (2018). Digital Game-based Learning and Serious Games in Education. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), ISSN:2454-8006,4(12), 139–144.


-Κατσίμπελης, Α. (2020). Παιχνιδοποίηση (gamification) σε μικτή εξ αποστάσεως τάξη Gamification in mixed ability e-classroom.


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