
Kategorija: games

Storytime – A Tale of Two Beasts

I love reading books! Do you? Let’s read one together…  In this story there are two narrators (Σε αυτή την ιστορία υπάρχουν δύο αφηγητές). They tell the same story from a different point of view (Λένε την ίδια …

Old and Modern Creatures – Unit 3 Lesson 1

Since the day we are born, we are told stories, fairytales and myths. Our childhood is full of imaginary creatures like the ones in the following game. Can you match the creatures to their names?  What do you …

Colours – A class

We love colours ! Αγαπάμε τα χρώματα!  Listen and repeat – Άκου και επανάλαβε:  Let’s play! Ας παίξουμε! Answer the questions – Απάντα στις ερωτήσεις:     Credits: E-me content & wordwall game created by Stavroula Petousaki